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Laser fusion test results raise energy hopes

"A major hurdle to producing fusion energy using lasers has been swept aside, results in a new report show."

Category: Energy sources


Life, but not as we know it

"If aliens do exist in the Goldilocks zones of outer space, I'm not convinced we'll recognise them"

Category: Space


Astronomers hopeful of detecting extra-terrestrial life

"The chance of discovering life on other worlds is greater than ever, according to Britain's leading astronomer."

Category: Space


Iraq littered with high levels of nuclear and dioxin contamination

"• Greater rates of cancer and birth defects near sites • Depleted uranium among poisons revealed in report"

Category: Weapons


Growth is good … isn't it?

"Expansion has progressed so far that key resource boundaries have been broken: we're teetering on the edge of an ecological cliff"

Displaying results 786 to 790 out of 2977